Columbia Lodging Association hosts forum

The Columbia Lodging Association hosted five of the six mayoral candidates this morning for a candidate forum. Candidates responded to questions submitted by members of the association.

The president of the Columbia Lodging Association, David Streeter, said bringing more economic development to Columbia is important to the group.

“Columbia needs more industry and more business,” Streeter said. “We have more hotels than we have business for.”

Lorah Steiner, director of the Columbia Convention and Visitors Bureau, said the candidates’ responses about the airport were especially relevant. She said that the airport is “critical to future business growth.” Steiner is not a member of the association but said the Convention and Visitors Bureau works with the Columbia Lodging Association.

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Making ends meet

How will the gap in commercial air service at Columbia Regional Airport this summer impact you, if at all? That’s the question the “Mesaba starting Aug. 19, Air Midwest leaving June 30 creates gap” article attempted to ask.

But I feel the story missed a particularly important voice in the process of reporting. I didn’t ask Columbia travelers, who use or have used the airport, how they think the gap might affect them. I believe it would have been quite a task — to find those people, especially, and then to present their opinions. But this could be a great forum in which to hold such a discussion.

And, while we’re at it, what are some ways you think the city should market Mesaba’s service? Lorah Steiner, the Convention and Visitors Bureau director, said in an interview this past week that anyone can e-mail her their ideas at